Practical Hydration Solutions - Football

Football players take on extra weight and heat when they dawn their safety equipment. Help ensure they stay safe and hydrated with these practical solutions.
June 24, 2019
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Every team sport is different, and factors such as rules of play, frequency of games, length of season and position-specific requirements alter the hydration plans. Football is classified as a strength and power team sport, in which most players do not cover large distances but rely on frequent short bursts of energy and must handle intense, repeated contact.

Key Considerations

  • A key risk factor for football players is equipment, which increases physical demands and amplifies heat load by interfering with evaporative heat loss.
  • Larger individuals typically have higher sweat losses, with football linemen exhibiting some of the highest recorded sweat rates. These losses of up to ~3L/h can cause significant disturbances in body fluid balance.
  • Make hydration a priority when they have two-a-day practices during training camp, especially for teams located in hot, humid environments and when they are wearing helmets and pads.
  • Teams based in cooler environments should plan for competitions in warmer locations with increased fluid replacement.
  • When the weather is colder, athletes must realize they can still dehydrate if fluid intake is not adequate.

Individual Sport Factors that Influence Dehydration

Availability of Fluid

  • High: Dynamics of the sport allow for multiple opportunities to consume fluid
  • Moderate: Fluid is only available during breaks in training, competition, or carried by the athlete
  • Low: Fluid is limited or not available due to time restrictions, rules or dynamics of the sport, and ability to carry


  • High: Environmental conditions that are of great risk for dehydration
  • Moderate: Environment is variable ranging from cool to hot conditions that may pose risk for dehydration
  • Low: Environmental conditions are not a threat to dehydration


  • High: Exercise intensity in the sport is increased and likely to result in large sweat losses and dehydration
  • Moderate: Exercise intensity in the sport varies from moderate to high and may result in large sweat losses and dehydration
  • Low: Exercise intensity in the sport is low and less likely to result in large sweat losses and dehydration

Dehydration Risk

  • High: Risk for dehydration in the sport is high based on reported sweat losses, the availability of fluid, environmental conditions, and the intensity of exercise
  • Moderate: Risk for dehydration in the sport is moderate based on reported sweat losses, the availability of fluid, environmental conditions, and the intensity of exercise
  • Low: Risk for dehydration in the sport is low based on reported sweat losses, the availability of fluid, environmental conditions, and the intensity of exercise

Note: These assessments are representative of typical situations encountered in these sports. Site-specific factors may differ from those presented here.

Practical Solutions

  • Ensure athletes get enough fluids to account for additional losses through equipment and extra clothing.
  • When intensity is high, provide more water breaks to prevent hypohydration.
  • Pay extra attention to warm weather practices and games, and adjust hydration breaks accordingly.
  • Monitor acute changes in body mass during exercise bouts to determine sweat rate, adequacy of fluid replacement and fluid needs for recovery.