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Sweat testing and Heat training

We also utilize the Precision Hydration sweat testing as part of our new athlete physical. We will gather this data, so we are informed on who is a heavy vs light sweater and who is perspiring more sodium vs less sodium. We will tailor our hydration strategies specifically toward each athlete's demands whether we are preloading them with more fluid/electrolyte and/or fueling them in-game with higher vs lower electrolyte supplements. We also utilize the MX3 Hydration testing for daily, pre-game, post-injury, etc hydration testing. The MX3 uses salivary osmolarity to test acute hydration. It is a very simple and quick test that gives us info up to the minute of our athletes' hydration levels. We use this pre-game or pre-workout whenever we travel to high altitude locations or hot climate locations to educate our players on their level of hydration so that we can intervene early in the day if needed. The post soft tissue injury testing is great to give feedback on how the lack of hydration can potentially impact the muscle strains/spasms/tightness etc and show our athletes how much better they feel and how much faster they can bounce back from the low-grade muscle tightness symptoms they experience. Lastly, we have the Intake Health InFlow Measuring Device which is a sensor that is attached inside our urinals. Every time our athletes urinate, the sensor will change colors (green, yellow, red) based on the athlete's hydration level. This is far more objective than when we ask them to gauge the level of darkness or lightness of the color of their urine. This also has created more organic conversations about how to properly hydrate and our athletes are more proactive and more accountable to hydrate themselves when they are getting regular feedback throughout the day without one of the Sports Medicine staff constantly pushing it.


19 days ago

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