
Unlock Elite Performance
with the new Gx App

Turn their effort in practice into an edge in competition
with updated sweat testing features.

The Gx App and a sweat patch

All of the features and functionality you need as
a practitioner have now been combined with the
powerful athlete-focused features of the Gx app.

click to download Gx app available for android
an athlete getting his sweat patch tested


Sweat Testing. After a workout, see exactly what your athletes are losing during activity and easily identify higher-need athletes with the Gx Sweat Patch and fluid-loss calculator.

Custom Workouts. Choose from a variety of personalized pro-inspired workouts based on which areas you’re looking to hone in on.

Athlete Profiles. Set goals, track progress, and share tailored nutrition and recovery solutions with your athletes based on individual needs.

The Gx System. Get the most out of your training and recovery with the companion hardware—Gx Sweat Patch and Smart Gx Bottle.

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See the science behind Gx

The experts at GSSI have brought decades of sweat testing science out of the lab and into your hands. See how the science behind Gx works. - link opens in a new window

backed by GSSI

The Gx system:
Backed by science,
used by the pros

The Gx Collection